Cleaning Up After The Holidays

Cleaning Up After a Holiday Feast

The holidays are a time for joy and family, not for worrying about yucky stains on your nice tablecloth. So, relax, this handy stain removal guide will walk you through some of the most common dinner stains you may encounter this holiday season. Remember, there is always the option of taking your stained items to a professional so you won’t have to deal with it. We remove stains like these every day.

Candle Wax

Gently lift off the larger pieces. Treat with a solvent-based stain removal product. Wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric.

Wine & Coffee Stains

Lightly touch with an absorbent towel to draw up the liquid or put paper towels under the spill. Blotting can spread the stain. After dinner: rinse in cool water; treat with a mild detergent and white vinegar.

Salad Oil

This is the worst because it can yellow with age if not removed. Cover a big spill at the table with absorbent powder. Shake off after supper. Apply a mild detergent mixed with household ammonia, ASAP. Wait 5-10 minutes and wash in the hottest water safe for the fabric.


Rinse with cool water and treat with a mild detergent and white vinegar before washing.

Time is of the Essence

It is always best to wash stained items or take them to your cleaner as soon as possible. If your table linens are colored or have colored embroidery check for colorfastness before using the various stain removal products. Anytime a stain is not washed out before drying it can become more difficult to remove.


Ontario Fabricare Association

120 Promenade Circle, Suite 910 Thornhill, ON L4J 7W9

905-881-5906 ● Cell: 416-573-1929 ●


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